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Friday, 22 May 2009

TORADORA Stalkers!

Have you ever had the sensation someone is looking at you? Well, everytime you visit Toradora´s PSP official website
or play the game, you will feel exactly that, but I would not mind if Taiga, Ami and Minorin watches me…

Just click the photos and have fun! Remember to click their faces to see emotions too! (recommend: open it in a new window or new tab)

The three Toradora Girls stares at you every time they can, thanks to TORA (Technical Operated Real Animation). This technology can be seen in the Toradora PSP game and also in the official website. The only thing the user has to do is move the pointer near them so they can stare at it. Also, if you click the girls, they will show you different expressions. Neat stuff. Let´s hope the game is fun as well.