*Welcome to Chiot's Blog* (Status:Nervous but Excited) Recent activities: Updated Blog and FB. Watched television, stoned and farted.(22/8)

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

2nd Day Hari Raya

Nah, ambil korang gambar-gambar gua untuk Hari Raya Kedua. Minta maaf, minta ampun sekali lagi pasal takder tu description. Gua buzy dgn aper-aper yg nak di sibukkan. Lain kali gua letak tu deskribsi. (Sesungguhnya hancur bahasaku). In the meanwhile, u ppl enjoy the pics.
P.S Pics taken with Kuzzies & adik-beradik ONLY

Sunday, 20 September 2009

First Day of Hari Raya

Sorry ppl. Gua takder masa nak meng-edit post ni. Gua nak gi mandi gi jalan Raya. Muohahahaha. But still enjoy the pics especially the VERY FIRST PIC. (hOHOHO)